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As we all know, COVID-19 has turned our lives inside-out and upside-down.

Please review the current CRS COVID-19 Health & Safety Plan below.



In accordance with the cooperative spirit of the three congregations supporting the Community Religious School (CRS), and the most current recommendations of state, local, and national public health authorities, the following describes the CRS COVID-19 HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN for the 2022-2023 school-year :


OPTIONAL MASKING:  Consistent and correct masking protects against transmission of the virus.  All persons 2 years old and older entering the Congregation Shir Shalom education wing during Religious School hours, for any reason and for any length of time, may choose to be masked. 



  • VACCINE RECOMMENDATION:  COVID-19 vaccination is strongly recommended for all persons.  Vaccination is currently the leading public health strategy to bring an end to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • PARENTS:  Parents and other individuals are permitted to enter the Congregation Shir Shalom education wing during Religious School hours and need to sign-in at the school office.


TEMPERATURE CHECKS:  All persons entering the Congregation Shir Shalom education wing during Religious School hours are asked to monitor their health for temperature greater than 100.0°, or other symptoms of COVID infection (including, but not limited to, sore throat, loss of smell, loss of taste, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea) .  Please inform the school if your child was tested positive for Covid within 4 days of being at Religious school.  




  • CLASSROOMS: All classrooms will be cleaned and sanitized prior to each Sunday session.  To the extent possible, students will be seated at desks instead of at shared tables and will be distanced as much as possible.

  • SUPPLIES:  We intend to limit the use of shared items.  Parents will be informed by email if students need to bring in their own supplies (pencils, notebooks, crayons, etc.) or a small bag in which to store them at school from week to week.

  • FOOD & DRINK:  We will be able to provide food or drinks during Religious School and allow eating indoors during school.  Please make sure your child has eaten something before they arrive.  Students may bring a labeled water bottle with them.

  • CSS BUILDING, BEYOND THE EDUCATION WING:  In the event that other activities take place inside Congregation Shir Shalom, but outside of the education wing, precautions will be taken consistent with the policies applicable to the education wing.


We will continue to monitor the situation, and any updates to this policy will be communicated directly to enrolled families via email.  We look forward to welcoming you and your child to the Community Religious School!  Thank you for your cooperation in this important continued effort to act in accordance with the value of Pikuach nefesh, the Jewish teaching that saving one life is tantamount to saving the entire world.


Linda Boxer

President, Temple Beth Tzedek


Kenneth Polk

President, Temple Beth Zion


Todd Sugarman

President, Congregation Shir Shalom

Einav Symons

Director, Community Religious School




[As of July 2, 2022.  Policy subject to change.]



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©2021-2022 by Buffalo Community Religious School.

Created by Kadimah Alumni Evan Ruttenberg and Shira Symons

4660 Sheridan Dr
Buffalo, NY 14221 USA

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